Hello everyone! It has been two weeks since we took actions towards DOPX supply control. Shall we start with an overview of our ecosystem situation?

The total supply of KUSD is significantly increased to 1.6M (approximately 80% from 900K in the previous week) which the total supply of DOPX is decreased to 107M which reflects the stronger fundamental of the overall ecosystem.

$TWX Is now Listed on CoinMarketCap

After we have been waiting for weeks, now $TWX is listed on CoinMarketCap. This is a preliminary movement that helps to gain more visibility from much more investors. Besides visibility, listing on CoinMarketCap will encourage Twindex to do more marketing activities. Please stay in touch for future announcements.

An Official partnership with OCTION

In addition, we also announced our partnership with OCTION, the world’s 1st CeDeFi Options Trading Platform that allows investors to trade options with no middlemen, no centralized organization, lower fees, more option types, and zero data or market manipulation.

With this synergy, we will see more adoption and a higher number of KUSD minted on other platforms.

Visit https://oction.io now to learn more about OCTION and how to make a profit from options trading.

Rewards Distribution Arrangement

Regarding to the user comprehension studies we conducted recently, we found that our users prefer to provide liquidity on low volatility pools especially gold and foreign currencies.

Similar to stablecoin LPs, we have seen the number of liquidity providers keep increasing. In order to thank all liquidity providers, we will eliminate the withdrawal fee for all stablecoin LPs.

Moreover, the study also indicated that deprecating DOLLY LPs and reducing the weight of single token LPs will be beneficial to all liquidity providers to earn more rewards and support the platform to grow sustainably in the long term.

Hence, we will make adjustments as scheduled:

15 November 2021, 1 PM UTC

  • The withdrawal fee for removing stablecoin liquidity within 30 days will be waived in perpetuity.

16 November 2021, 1 PM UTC

  • KUSD-tXAU farm pool rewards will be increased to 15X.
  • Single DOPX farm pool rewards will be adjusted to 3X.
  • Single TWX farm pool rewards will be adjusted to 3X.
  • KUSD-BUSD-DOLLY farm pool rewards will be adjusted to 1X.
  • DOLLY farm pool rewards will be adjusted to 1X.

19 November 2021, 1 PM UTC

  • KSD-BUSD-DOLLY farm pool rewards will be deprecated.
  • DOLLY farm pool rewards will be deprecated.

tBIDU — Baidu, Inc is now live!

According to the voting result earlier, Baidu Inc is ranked second. Now, it is available to trade and farm on http://twindex.com/trade. Let’s take a guess, which asset will be listed next on Twindex?

Learn more about Baidu Inc and other assets here

Dopple Finance x PrivacySwap — The PrivacyCards

In partnership with PrivacySwap, we bring to you the crypto debit card that allows you to purchase everything with your digital assets seamlessly. More information is coming soon. For now, you can register your interest in this form https://forms.gle/8PVsmWC5ryBqW2fm6

Stay tuned for further updates next week!
Dopple and Twindex Team






Dopple DeFi Ecosystem

Dopple.finance — Best Rate Stablecoin Exchange | Twindex.com — First Synthetic Assets Exchange on BSC